
Bana requires to be run from within an Autodesk Maya‘s Python environment. This is usually done either by running the code from within an interactive session of Maya, or through using the mayapy shell. A Python interpreter is already distributed with Maya so there is no need to install one.

Additionally, Bana depends on the gorilla package.


Package dependencies are automatically being taken care off when using pip.

Installing pip

The recommended [1] approach for installing a Python package such as Bana is to use pip, a package manager for projects written in Python. If pip is not already installed on your system, you can do so by following these steps:

  1. Download
  2. Run python in a shell.


The installation commands described in this page might require sudo privileges to run successfully.

System-Wide Installation

Installing globally the most recent version of Bana can be done with pip:

$ pip install bana

Or using easy_install (provided with setuptools):

$ easy_install bana

Development Version

To stay cutting edge with the latest development progresses, it is possible to directly retrieve the source from the repository with the help of Git:

$ git clone
$ cd bana
$ pip install --editable .[dev]


The [dev] part installs additional dependencies required to assist development on Bana.

[1]See the Python Packaging User Guide